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Maze Writeup - Cyber Apocalypse 2024

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1 Introduction

This writeup covers the Maze Hardware challenge from the Hack The Box Cyber Apocalypse 2024 CTF, which was rated as having a ‘very easy’ difficulty. The challenge involved finding a flag within the file system of a printer.

The description of the challenge is shown below.

Maze challenge description

2 Artifacts Summary

The downloaded artifact had the following hash:

$ shasum -a256

The zip file contained a number of directories but only a handful of files:

$ unzip
   creating: hardware_maze/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/lib/
 extracting: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/lib/security
 extracting: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/lib/keys
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/home/
  inflating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/home/hostmanifest
  inflating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/home/device.html
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/objects/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/permanent/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/default/
  inflating: hardware_maze/fs/webServer/default/csconfig
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/SavedJobs/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/SavedJobs/InProgress/
  inflating: hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/SavedJobs/InProgress/Factory.pdf
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/SavedJobs/KeepJob/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/PJL/
   creating: hardware_maze/fs/PostScript/

3 Obtaining the flag

The number of bytes in each file was summarized.

$ wc -c $(find hardware_maze -type f)
1299238 hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/SavedJobs/InProgress/Factory.pdf
   4520 hardware_maze/fs/webServer/default/csconfig
      0 hardware_maze/fs/webServer/lib/keys
      0 hardware_maze/fs/webServer/lib/security
    230 hardware_maze/fs/webServer/home/hostmanifest
    165 hardware_maze/fs/webServer/home/device.html
1304153 total

Examining each non-empty file in turn, the flag was found in Factory.pdf:

The flag was found in Factory.pdf

4 What does the challenge have to do with hardware?

Based on the excerpt of hardware_maze/fs/webServer/default/csconfig shown below, and even the flag itself, the fs directory contains the files from an HP LaserJet printer file system that runs an embedded web server. The hardware_maze/fs/saveDevice/SavedJobs/InProgress/Factory.pdf file indicates the printer stores documents submitted for printing on the file system. Thus, if an attacker manages to gain access to the file system, perhaps due to a vulnerability in the web server, they can potentially read sensitive files submitted for printing.

% ChaiServer configuration file
% This file contains the csconfig file for the laserjet ChaiServer
Port 80 timeout 0
% Document Root
%  Our document root points to a link on RAM disk.  This link will either point
%  to the default webServer directory on the ROM disk or to a directory on
%  some permanant storage device if it is installed
DocumentRoot "file:////hpmnt/webServer/home/"
% ExtraPath Information
ExtraPath hp/device
% Platform Type
PlatformType Vectra
% Number of typers to start
StartTypers 4
% Keep-Alive parameters
KeepAlive Timeout 1 MaxConnections 5
% Keystore implementation class
KEYSTORE_IMPL hp.laserjet.keystoremanager.DeviceKeyStoreImpl
% The following packages exist
Worker "hp/chaiserver/webserver/WebServer"
    StartWorkers 2
    MimeType hp/webserver webserver
    MimeType text/html html
    MimeType text/plain txt java
    MimeType image/gif gif
    MimeType image/jpeg jpg jpeg
    MimeType application/zip zip
    MimeType text/css css
    MimeType application/x-javascript js
    MimeType application/java-archive jar
    Param "HOMEPAGE_OBJECT" "this.LCDispatcher"

5 Conclusion

The flag was submitted and the challenge was marked as pwned

Submission of the flag marked the challenge as pwned