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Cubicle Riddle Writeup - Cyber Apocalypse 2024

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1 Introduction

This writeup covers the Cubicle Riddle Misc challenge from the Hack The Box Cyber Apocalypse 2024 CTF, which was rated as having an ‘easy’ difficulty. The challenge involved generation of Python bytecode that meets certain constraints.

The description of the challenge is shown below.

Cubicle Riddle challenge description

2 Key Techniques

The key techniques employed in this writeup are:

3 Artifacts Summary

The downloaded artifact had the following hash:

$ shasum -a256

The zip file contained three Python source code files:

$ unzip
   creating: challenge/
   creating: challenge/riddler/
  inflating: challenge/riddler/
  inflating: challenge/
  inflating: challenge/

$ shasum -a256 $(find challenge -type f)
e8402a96b6ac02e87cae04abd62d9d5a660461c17ecf672fabbf249bc66a94a8  challenge/riddler/
9141365b9bc69d50f3a2eab927e1267981a9fce73833b1bd0b99efe6e76b5267  challenge/
c8ecb85ef0aebb709f9816d58371f661d6ef6d0b619c856499aa58ff1c50e2d7  challenge/

4 Dynamic analysis

There was a fair amount of code in the downloaded artifact so in order to better visualize the program behavior, a connection was established to the remote endpoint. After choosing “Approach the cube…”, a riddle was presented. However, it was not obvious what input was expected and thus static analysis was the next step.

$ nc -n -v 33284
(UNKNOWN) [] 33284 (?) open


While journeying through a dense thick forest, you find

yourself reaching a clearing. There an imposing obsidian

cube, marked with a radiant green question mark,halts your

progress,inviting curiosity and sparking a sense of wonder.


> 1. Approach the cube...

> 2. Run away!

(Choose wisely) > 1


As you approach the cube, its inert form suddenly comes to

life. It's obsidian parts start spinning with an otherwordly

hum, and a distorted voice emanates from withing, posing a

cryptic question that reverbates through the clearing,

, shrouded in mystery and anticipation.

> Riddler: 'In arrays deep, where numbers sprawl,
        I lurk unseen, both short and tall.
        Seek me out, in ranks I stand,
        The lowest low, the highest grand.

        What am i?'

(Answer wisely) >

5 Static Analysis

5.1 contains the code that operates the program’s menu. On line 46, the user’s answer, after having already chosen to approach the cube, is decoded to UTF-8. Line 47 calls self._format_answer to format the answer, then delegates to the Riddler class to test if the answer is correct. If it is, the flag is printed on line 53.

match chosen_action:
    case 1:
            + b"\nAs you approach the cube, its inert form suddenly comes to \n"
            + b"\nlife. It's obsidian parts start spinning with an otherwordly\n"
            + b"\nhum, and a distorted voice emanates from withing, posing a \n"
            + b"\ncryptic question that reverbates through the clearing,     \n"
            + b"\n, shrouded in mystery and anticipation.                    \n"
            + b"\n___________________________________________________________\n"
        self.req.sendall(b"> Riddler:" + self.riddler.ask_riddle().encode())
        self.req.sendall(b"\n(Answer wisely) > ")
        answer: str = self.req.recv(4096).decode()
        if self.riddler.check_answer(self._format_answer(answer)):
                + b"\nUpon answering the cube's riddle, its parts spin in a      \n"
                + b"\ndazzling display of lights. A resonant voice echoes through\n"
                + b"\nthe woods that says... "
                + flag.encode()
                + b"\n___________________________________________________________\n"

The self._format_answer function splits the input on commas, then converts each element into an int type, before converting the result to bytes. In other words, the answer is expected to be comprised of comma separated integers, where each integer represents the decimal encoding of a byte.

def _format_answer(self, answer: str) -> bytearray:
        return bytes([int(b) for b in answer.strip().split(",")])
    except Exception:
        raise WrongFormatException(
            "\nFormat should be like: int_value1,int_value2,int_value3...\nExample answer: 1, 25, 121...\n"


In, the check_answer function delegates to self._construct_answer on line 63 to construct a function from the answer. The function is then called on line 65 and the result expected to equal a tuple containing the minimum and maximum values of self.num_list, defined on line 50, where the list contains 10 integers randomly chosen between -1000 and 1000.

The self._construct_answer function constructs a byte array consisting of self.co_code_start, the bytes from the answer, then self.co_code_end. The byte array is then used on line 79 in the construction of a code object. Thus, the answer is expected to be valid Python bytecode.

import types
from random import randint

class Riddler:

    max_int: int
    min_int: int
    co_code_start: bytes
    co_code_end: bytes
    num_list: list[int]

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.max_int = 1000
        self.min_int = -1000
        self.co_code_start = b"d\x01}\x01d\x02}\x02"
        self.co_code_end = b"|\x01|\x02f\x02S\x00"
        self.num_list = [randint(self.min_int, self.max_int) for _ in range(10)]

    def ask_riddle(self) -> str:
        return """ 'In arrays deep, where numbers sprawl,
        I lurk unseen, both short and tall.
        Seek me out, in ranks I stand,
        The lowest low, the highest grand.

        What am i?'

    def check_answer(self, answer: bytes) -> bool:
        _answer_func: types.FunctionType = types.FunctionType(
            self._construct_answer(answer), {}
        return _answer_func(self.num_list) == (min(self.num_list), max(self.num_list))

    def _construct_answer(self, answer: bytes) -> types.CodeType:
        co_code: bytearray = bytearray(self.co_code_start)

        code_obj: types.CodeType = types.CodeType(
            (None, self.max_int, self.min_int),
            ("num_list", "min", "max", "num"),
        return code_obj

6 Hypothesizing what bytecode is expected

The dis module was used to disassemble the co_code_start and co_code_end bytecode in an IPython session.

  1. The module was imported:

    In [2]: import dis
  2. co_code_start was disassembled. The output below has been manually commented to explain what each line does based on the documented Bytecode instructions

    • co_consts is the “tuple of constants used in the bytecode”.

    • co_varnames is the “tuple of names of arguments and local variables”.

    • Given the constructed function is intended to find the min and max elements in num_list, the hypothesis was made that co_consts[1] and co_consts[2] are each one or other of the 1000 or -1000 constants.

    In [3]: dis.dis(b"d\x01}\x01d\x02}\x02")
      0 LOAD_CONST   1   # Pushes co_consts[1] onto the stack.
      2 STORE_FAST   1   # Stores STACK.pop() into the local co_varnames[1].
      4 LOAD_CONST   2   # Pushes co_consts[1] onto the stack.
      6 STORE_FAST   2   # Stores STACK.pop() into the local co_varnames[2].
  3. co_code_end was similarly disassembled

    • Given the constructed function is intended to return a tuple containing the min and max elements in num_list, the following hypothesis was made:

      • co_varnames[1] is a local variable containing the min value.
      • co_varnames[2] is a local variable containing the max value.
    In [4]: dis.dis(b"|\x01|\x02f\x02S\x00")
      0 LOAD_FAST    1   # Pushes a reference to the local co_varnames[1] onto the stack.
      2 LOAD_FAST    2   # Pushes a reference to the local co_varnames[2] onto the stack.
      4 BUILD_TUPLE  2   # Creates a tuple consuming 2 items from the stack, and pushes the
                         # resulting tuple onto the stack.
      6 RETURN_VALUE     # Returns with STACK[-1] to the caller of the function.

Based on the above, the full expected function, including co_code_start and co_code_end was hypothesized to be the following:

def _answer_func(numlist):
    min = 1000                  # co_code_start
    max = -1000
    for num in numlist:         # answer
        if num <= min:
            min = num
    for num in numlist:
        if num >= max:
            max = num
    return (min,max)            # co_code_end

7 Generating the bytecode

A script was created to generate the bytecode for the hypothesized function.

 import dis

 code = """
 def _answer_func(numlist):
     min = 1000
     max = -1000
     for num in numlist:
         if num <= min:
             min = num
     for num in numlist:
         if num >= max:
             max = num
     return (min,max)
 compiled = compile(code, "_answer_func", "exec", optimize=0)

 # The compiled code's co_code is not actually what we're after
 co_code = compiled.co_code
 print(f"co_code: {co_code}")
 print(f"disassembled co_code is not what we're after:")

 # If we exec the compiled code, the _answer_func becomes available and its's bytecode is what
 # we're after.
 print(f"disassembled _answer_func:")

 _answer_func_co_code = dis.Bytecode(_answer_func).codeobj.co_code
 print(f"_answer_func_co_code is what we're after: {_answer_func_co_code}")

Running the script results in the following:

  1. The start (lines 13-17) and end (lines 47-50) of the disassembled _answer_func look very similar to the previously disassembled co_code_start and co_code_end. The only difference is an extra starting instruction on line 11. However, RESUME is a no-op (no operation) and can thus be ignored.
  2. Similarly, the generated bytecode on line 51 has a start and end matching co_code_start and co_code_end, except for the leading \x97\x00 corresponding to the RESUME instruction.
$ python3
co_code: b'\x97\x00d\x00\x84\x00Z\x00d\x01S\x00'
disassembled co_code is not what we're after:
          0 RESUME                   0
          2 LOAD_CONST               0
          4 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
          6 STORE_NAME               0
          8 LOAD_CONST               1
         10 RETURN_VALUE
disassembled _answer_func:
  2           0 RESUME                   0

  3           2 LOAD_CONST               1 (1000)
              4 STORE_FAST               1 (min)

  4           6 LOAD_CONST               2 (-1000)
              8 STORE_FAST               2 (max)

  5          10 LOAD_FAST                0 (numlist)
             12 GET_ITER
        >>   14 FOR_ITER                10 (to 36)
             16 STORE_FAST               3 (num)

  6          18 LOAD_FAST                3 (num)
             20 LOAD_FAST                1 (min)
             22 COMPARE_OP               1 (<=)
             28 POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_FALSE     2 (to 34)

  7          30 LOAD_FAST                3 (num)
             32 STORE_FAST               1 (min)
        >>   34 JUMP_BACKWARD           11 (to 14)

  8     >>   36 LOAD_FAST                0 (numlist)
             38 GET_ITER
        >>   40 FOR_ITER                10 (to 62)
             42 STORE_FAST               3 (num)

  9          44 LOAD_FAST                3 (num)
             46 LOAD_FAST                2 (max)
             48 COMPARE_OP               5 (>=)
             54 POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_FALSE     2 (to 60)

 10          56 LOAD_FAST                3 (num)
             58 STORE_FAST               2 (max)
        >>   60 JUMP_BACKWARD           11 (to 40)

 11     >>   62 LOAD_FAST                1 (min)
             64 LOAD_FAST                2 (max)
             66 BUILD_TUPLE              2
             68 RETURN_VALUE
_answer_func_co_code is what we're after: b'\x97\x00d\x01}\x01d\x02}\x02|\x00D\x00]\n}\x03|\x03|\x01k\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00r\x02|\x03}\x01\x8c\x0b|\x00D\x00]\n}\x03|\x03|\x02k\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00r\x02|\x03}\x02\x8c\x0b|\x01|\x02f\x02S\x00'

8 Generating the payload

A script was created featuring the following:

 import types

 # Code extracted from Riddler
 co_code_start = b"d\x01}\x01d\x02}\x02"
 co_code_end = b"|\x01|\x02f\x02S\x00"

 def _construct_answer(answer: bytes) -> types.CodeType:
     co_code: bytearray = bytearray(co_code_start)

     code_obj: types.CodeType = types.CodeType(
         (None, 1000, -1000),
         ("num_list", "min", "max", "num"),
     return code_obj

 # Bytes generated by, minus the co_code_start prefix and
 # co_code_end suffix

 # Construct a function the same way Riddle does.
 _sol_answer_func: types.FunctionType = types.FunctionType(
     _construct_answer(answer), {}

 # Test whether the function correctly returns the min and max of a list.
 test_list = [18, 7, 3, 22]
 print(f"test_list: {test_list}")
 print(f"test_list min, max: {_sol_answer_func(test_list)}")

 # Encode the payload for the challenge.
 answer_encoded_bytes=', '.join(list(map(lambda x: str(int(x)), answer)))
 print(f"answer_encoded_bytes: {answer_encoded_bytes}")

Running the script results in a payload being generated:

test_list: [18, 7, 3, 22]
test_list min, max: (3, 22)
answer_encoded_bytes: 124, 0, 68, 0, 93, 10, 125, 3, 124, 3, 124, 1, 107, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 114, 2, 124, 3, 125, 1, 140, 11, 124, 0, 68, 0, 93, 10, 125, 3, 124, 3, 124, 2, 107, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 114, 2, 124, 3, 125, 2, 140, 11

9 Obtaining the flag

The payload was delivered to the remote endpoint and the flag obtained:

$ nc -n -v 33284
(UNKNOWN) [] 33284 (?) open


While journeying through a dense thick forest, you find

yourself reaching a clearing. There an imposing obsidian

cube, marked with a radiant green question mark,halts your

progress,inviting curiosity and sparking a sense of wonder.


> 1. Approach the cube...

> 2. Run away!

(Choose wisely) > 1


As you approach the cube, its inert form suddenly comes to

life. It's obsidian parts start spinning with an otherwordly

hum, and a distorted voice emanates from withing, posing a

cryptic question that reverbates through the clearing,

, shrouded in mystery and anticipation.

> Riddler: 'In arrays deep, where numbers sprawl,
        I lurk unseen, both short and tall.
        Seek me out, in ranks I stand,
        The lowest low, the highest grand.

        What am i?'

(Answer wisely) > 124, 0, 68, 0, 93, 10, 125, 3, 124, 3, 124, 1, 107, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 114, 2, 124, 3, 125, 1, 140, 11, 124, 0, 68, 0, 93, 10, 125, 3, 124, 3, 124, 2, 107, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 114, 2, 124, 3, 125, 2, 140, 11


Upon answering the cube's riddle, its parts spin in a

dazzling display of lights. A resonant voice echoes through

the woods that says... HTB{r1ddle_m3_th1s_r1ddle_m3_th4t}

10 Conclusion

The flag was submitted and the challenge was marked as pwned

Submission of the flag marked the challenge as pwned